Friday, January 13, 2012

Testing Complete...Gear Is Set.

Very glad I bailed on my attempts at 100 miles yesterday. The wind was brutal. Riding the Mukluk out in the open made for some very slow riding! But not really that (being the reason), but the head cold. It's not a ferocious cold but I feel it walking the line. Been pounding fluids like mad.
The neck actually never was an issue on the ride, so I think that is on the way out. Still plan taking it easy for a bit.

The ride was a success for gear testing. My hands go numb often in the pogies due to minimal hand positions, etc. I purchased some awesome mitts from the Empire Wool & Canvas Company. A great company with unique items, right out of Duluth, MN.
I haven't been able to test the mitts out yet since it hasn't been cold enough. They work awesome, but not for the Arrowhead (for me). It's too much of a hassle to remove the mitt and work zippers for water, food, etc. The advantage of having full movement on the bars is tempting but for me the Pogies win out. Good to know. I will still get a life time of use from these mitts.

A first! I've wanted to cross this creek so many times but the water has always been too high. Well today it was frozen. Almost fell, but pulled it out.

Oops, forgot my helmet. Realized half way through the ride. Having all the gear on made it feel I had the helmet on. Damn, check out the bags under my eyes. I'm glistening due to the Dermatone on my face to prevent frostbite.

Ended exactly at 3 hours and 36 speed records were set. Had a damn fine time. I truly contemplated several times to extend the ride but knew rest and hydration were more important at this time.

Not much today...still deciding.

Have the kids all day tomorrow and a holiday function at night (still!). Was hoping to ride to the function in Blaine but forgot my parents are in Florida...damn retirees! So maybe a trail run and some gym time. See what the kids want to do.

Work on Sunday.


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