Friday, July 19, 2013

Home Alone 2.

As previously mentioned yesterday was my work till noon day.  With the family still at a cabin I planned to ride.  This time the Salsa Fargo got the nod.
At the start my legs were sluggish and heavy from the previous day.  The strong wind and crazy heat weren't helping either.  I knew once I hit the magic one hour point the legs would fall into the routine of pushing the pedals over.

I headed south and west directly into the wind.  Not that I obsess about how fast I'm going, etc but I had to switch my Garmin to the map.  The combination of the upright, wide tired Fargo and wind I was not breaking any records.

The route: STC, St. Augusta, sort of Fairhaven, Darwin (home of the biggest ball of twine also my first refuel stop), Litchfield, Watkins, Marty, St. Augusta, home.
As the miles and hours clicked by I was heating up.  Around 5:00 I started to feel pretty crappy.  I decided the next town I'd stop and rest in some AC.  Watkins was the town and Jacks was the gas station.  Drank a Coke inside and sat outside and drank a liter of water in the shade.  I was there about 20 minutes.  It helped a lot to stop and get some cold fluids in me.  Forced myself to eat too.  With the heat I hadn't been taking in any nutrition.

Once back on the bike the sun was at my back or side the rest of the ride.  With the sun lower in the sky the trees were able to provide some much needed shade.  Add to that a tailwind and the going was alright.

Ended up with 110 miles, 16.3 avg, 6 hrs 38 minutes, and never a pee break.
Midpoint of the ride I was craving a smoothie so planned to make one when I got home.  But the thought of anything sweet caused a gag reflex.  Next option: NY Gyro!  Man did that hit the spot!  I did later manage to get some ice cream in me so the anti sweet thing didn't last too long!

Not sure about today.  I work a full shift.  I was thinking about a 20-30 mile recovery ride but the wind is whipping again.  We'll see.


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