Friday, August 02, 2013

A Good Start.

I got a pretty good start to my August "training" yesterday.  I would say yesterday was more for the winter races than cross.
I left home around 12:45 on the Salsa Ti Fargo.  The plan was whatever.  Ride into the wind on fun roads of any surface and turn for home when needed.
The route (basically): STC, Sauk Rapids, Sartell, Rice, Upsula, Grey Eagle, Melrose, Freeport, Albany, Farming, SJU, St. Joe, St. Cloud, and home.
7 hours and 120 miles.
I hit up lots of gravel out west that I've never been on before.  Fun roads!  Too bad they take 3 hours to get to.  Do yourself a favor and ride in the Swanville/Grey Eagle area, gravel or's awesome.

Really what I needed.  I felt great.  The ride energized me as I hoped it would.

I had toyed with the idea of getting up early to go for a run (cross training!) but a bit more sleep was needed and the legs are a bit sluggish.  Maybe after work or maybe a ride down cty road 8 with Jen and Harper.
I am getting up stupid early on Saturday to get down to Monticello to ride a few laps and get back in town by 9:30 to ready the shop for business.  Gonna be a tired boy.

Ride On.

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