Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Typical Night of Any Parent.

Man, some days are just a blur.
5:45 alarm goes off.
6:20 I start waking the kids up.
7:20 I drop them off at school.
7:35 I bring Harper to daycare
7:50 I'm at work.
4:30 I pick Harper up from daycare.
4:45 Get Avery from Kid Stop.
5:05 Go to Target with Jen, Harper, and Avery.
6:00 Attempt to pick up Brinna from knowledge bowl.  Late.
6:30 Pick Brinna up and go out to dinner.
7:30 Start getting kids to bed.
8:30 Everyone in bed and I'm shot.

Night ride is out.  Even if I wasn't tired I am lacking the desire to jump out in the damp, cold for a few hours.  While I'm excited for the Tuscobia and Arrowhead I feel I want to just let them go this year.  I'm sure this will pass, and if not I'll still ride them to ride them.

Who knows, I'm going out for a ride this morning and all may change.  And yep...I change that fast!


1 comment:

the schad family said...

Damn man, you and I must be drinking the same water!