Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Little Riding.

Friday-Monday only afforded me one day to ride.  Having off work for a few days I thought I'd be able to pile on the miles.  But family time trumped riding.
The ride I did get in was two awesome laps at Elm Creek with Monte.  Man that place rips, so fun.  I had not been on a mountain bike since last September/October.  The skills are a bit rusty and the fitness lacking for the start/stop of mountain biking but the smile on my face made up for what I was lacking.

Yesterday was spent racing the coming rain.  I got the garden tilled by hand and half the yard mowed before it started.  Currently it's raining again...yeah.
I'm out for the TNR.  Jen has a school function so I'm on kid detail.  Maybe Wednesday I will ride!


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