Thursday, June 05, 2014

8 Years Old.

After 5 hours of sleep, getting the kids to school, and daycare I was back on the bike to spin the legs and ride.  I was a little off and sluggish but after the first hour the body woke up and liked what it was doing once again.  Clear skies and sun helped too.
Ended right at 3 hours on the Salsa Colossal.
Work flew by yesterday.  I'm still shocked when it's 8 pm and it's still super light out.  We start our Anniversary Sale today.  So no short day for me.  Full shifts here on out.  Yeah to 7 day work weeks!

I would like to ride tonight but thunderstorms are predicted and, if not, my lawn is crazy long.  Tomorrow is Brinna's 5th Grade Graduation, work, and kid duty so no riding tomorrow.  If the weather allows I hope to make Saturday and Sunday early days with some good rides.


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