Friday, October 17, 2014

Into the Woods.

With the wind picking up as the day went on yesterday I decided to jump back into the woods for some mountain biking.  I've put a lot a time in at the North Loop but still not sick of it...yet.  Currently the trail is covered with leaves and/or pine needles.  It takes a lap to figure out how well they will hold up in corners, etc.  I managed to fair pretty well, meaning no crashes!

Instead of doing continuous loops I did sections a couple times in a row, Sport Loop, Maxx's Option, Lay It Down, .3, etc.  I also did Twisted Sister.  I've become to like that section.  If I go into it with the right attitude It's a blast.  I made it through without dabbing!  For me that's a big deal.  Not Charlie Schad big deal but a big deal nonetheless.

Ended with 2 hrs 15 minutes.  I'm really, really, longing for some longer rides but holding off till cx is closer to done.  I have this weekend and then the Nov. 8-9 weekend.  Short and fast season.  Then it's go time.  I will start some next week as my schedule appears to allow for it!

Happy Weekend.

1 comment:

the schad family said...

its close Ben,, verrrry close