Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Summer Solstice Century.

We did it!  20 of us started out from the shop yesterday at 4:30 and 20 of finished in the dark around 9:45 with 100 more miles on our legs.
We opted for a route we did last year because of the good roads, relative flatness, and not too shabby in the scenic views either.  We headed North to Little Falls via the MRT (Mississippi River Trail) on the East side.  From Little Falls we continued on to Fort Ripley where we took over the small gas station for refueling at about 50 miles.  We then headed back down on the West side of the the Mississippi.  With 100 miles the goal we jumped over to St. Stephen onto St. Joseph before heading for home.
We finished with 100-102 miles at a 21.1 average...same speed as last year!  Back at the shop we grilled up 35 brats and had an awesome time shooting the shit.  While it made for a later night I'd do it again...such a great group.  
With that many folks mechanical issues and flats are always a concern as we are racing the sun.  We sustained 3 flats and one major blow out rendering the tire useless.  Luckily this happened near the end and near someone's house.  They were able to give the stranded rider a ride back to the shop.

Already looking forward to next year.

Jen is off to California for 6 days for school stuff.  I'm home with the kids for the next two days before handing them off to the next in line.  We have lots planned!  But dang it's gorgeous out...I'd love to get a 30 mile spin in but not in the cards.

Welcome to Summer. 

1 comment:

Kyia said...

thanks for putting the ride together Ben! I had fun!!