Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Doing it Right.

Yesterday afternoon Harper had a small school performance.  After my parent's would be taking the big girls to see their cousins school show down in St. Paul and Jen had a dinner later that evening.  Thinking Harper may be bummed not going along I made a preemptive strike and asked her if she wanted to go see a movie, thereby eliminating my chance to run.  It was a date, we were off to see Alvin in the Chipmunks then dinner.
While the movie was not all that good it was great hanging out with Harper.  Sometimes a little one on one is needed, even for a 3 year old.

The family is now on Christmas break so I can get up early and ride before work.  I work at noon today and hope to be on the bike by 5 so I should be able to get some solid time in.  Maybe a run tomorrow morning before work but we have a party tonight that tends to go late.  Not drinking definitely helps my odds of getting up to run but I'm guessing I'll be tired!


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