Thursday, February 18, 2016

Almost Time.

While it's the same post I put up here last week, my AH135 report is up on Salsa Cycles site.  The benefit is there are a few more pictures.  Check it out.

I'm starting to get the itch to get back at it...on the bike.  But I must admit it's pretty nice just being able to hang out at home and not constantly trying to figure out how I'm going to get my next ride in.  If it works out I'll be heading out this Saturday, on the road bike, with Noah to tackle our "hill" route...lsd pace!  I planned for the end of the month but not sure I can make it that long!  But it's not finalized that I can make it happen so it just may be the end of the month.
I've still been hitting up the gym, about every other day.  I'm still digging it and enjoying the fact it's only an hour.  It's a leg day today!  So I'll be walking funny tomorrow.


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