Monday, May 16, 2016


Saturday Jen received an award (WEM Outstanding Educator Award) down in Chaska.  The whole family went, along with my parents and Jen's as well.  The whole event took 3.5 hours, longer than I anticipated, but it all was very interesting.  I'm super proud of Jen and stoked she was getting the recognition I know she deserves.

I went back and forth much of last week if I was going to ride back from the event or not.  I just wasn't sure I wanted to ride 80 miles into a 20-25 mph headwind.  I packed the night before as if I was going to ride but really didn't make the decision till the next morning when I saw the full sun...yep I'm riding!
When I was able to start the journey home it was 2:00, and yep, it was windy!  I didn't have a route but knew I had to go west and north.  I eventually ran into the Dakota Rail Trail.  It runs east/west so I only took it for a bit but it was nicely protected from the wind.  I would later run into the Luce Line Trail too.  But it was inevitable that I would have to face the music and grunt out the remaining miles into the wind.  The gusts were so strong I stopped to eat or text Jen I was ok.  With only one hand on the bars I'd get tossed around so easily.
It took me 5.5 hours to go 84 miles.  My legs hurt!

Sunday I mowed and worked up the soil in our garden for the first part of the day.  I then met up with Jimmy for a spin.  We were treated with a nice, stiff west wind...ugh.  Nonetheless it was fun chatting it up and 3 hours went by quickly.

Last week ended up being a pretty big week...22 hours.
I'm toying with riding tonight, after dinner, but the legs are pretty tired.  Tuesday is an off day from riding as Brinna has a choir concert.  Two days may do me good.

Here we go Monday...

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