Thursday, February 05, 2009

Turn Your Head and Cough

I have an appointment today for my first physical since 1990! I figured since I am now sober and "trying" to take care of myself I should make sure the insides are all squared away and doing what they are suppose to do. I got the results back from my blood work the other day and they were aces...or so I think. It was a bunch of numbers all in the average range. I am not old enough, I hope, to get a finger up my ass and I am not sure if they still check your balls or not. Should be a good time. I'm glad I showered today!

The 'ol sides have been sore for a few years now. More so after drinking, so I am sure they were related. The pain has been drastically reduced so that is more proof. I will ask the Doc his opinion, which will mean more tests and money. I think they can use the same blood but who knows. I can still pee so the kidneys are working and I had the liver checked a year or so ago and that was good. Fucking booze. Tastes good, makes me feel good, but fucks with everything else. They say everything in moderation, but I have never been one for that. Shit, when I was running I was running up to 100 miles a week. Addictive behavior...nah. Just like I can't drink anymore I cannot run anymore either...maybe there is something to the "everything in moderation"!

On a different note, it was not below zero this morning and the wind in minimal. If I was off today I would get the bike outside for sure. Maybe go for a 6 hour ride or something!
I mean...cough.

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