Monday, December 27, 2010

Beached Whale.

Disgusting is one way of describing how I feel. No exercises for a few days with a bunch of Holiday treats and other garbage tossed in does that to me. The sad thing, it's my fault. No one forces me to eat cookies, fudges, peanut brittle, et. al..
But today is Monday and a new start. Shortly I will be off to the gym. Jen and the girls are off all week so no chauffeur duty for me.
I do hope to get out sometime and snowshoe Plumb Creek again. It's suppose to warm up later this week then cool down. If we get out during the warm up the trail will be concrete once the cool down hits! Unless it snows...again, but no, I am not complaining. Let it snow.
The rest of the week I will either be skiing, riding gravel, or riding snowmobile trails.
When and where TBD.
Have a good week.


1 comment:

chance said...

I hear you on the feeling gross! and the holidays aren't over, just trying to maintain here! good luck!