Monday, June 27, 2011

Grinding Some Gravel...again.

It's been about 2 weeks since I've ridden any gravel. Partly due to the continuous rain and partly due to the broken handlebars. The rain has stopped and the bars have been replaced.

Yesterday I got out on the Salsa Ti La Cruz. Man do I love that bike. Super comfortable, stable, and fast. Very nice indeed. I left early in the morning from the shop. I headed south for the Dirt Bag route of last year. I wasn't sure how much of it I would ride but just put in the time. For how much I've ridden that course over the last year I am surprised I don't get sick of it. I love that route. The gravel was dry and pretty good gravel conditions.
Ended up riding more of the course than I anticipated. 4 hours 20 minutes about 80 miles.

Tomorrow is the Summer Solstice 100 ride. Again, Tuesday ride from the shop is leaving at 4:30, not 5:30, and riding 100 miles fairly fast. Weather is looking perfect, should be a fun time.

I may sneak out on the mtb tonight but not sure yet. The past four days had me riding a lot. We'll see how my legs feel today at work. I don't want to be tired the entire ride tomorrow! It does sound like we won't be getting too much more rain this week so the trails should be able to dry out nicely. My fingers are crossed.

Jen just got home 20 minutes ago. She leaves again tomorrow for 3 days! Man, summer is going by way too damn fast.


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