Friday, September 16, 2011

What A Day.

Yesterday was a packed day, it flew by, and was all good.
Up and at 'em usual time. Dropped the kids off at school around 7:30 and was out biking by 7:50. For no apparent reason, other than it's a number to shoot for, I was looking for 100 miles.

I was on the road bike this time, heading south. Stopped in Monticello for some coffee. The first frost of the season! I was dressed pretty well. I did have to remove some layers as it warmed. My rear jersey pockets were "stuffed". Nothing else would fit for sure.
From Monticello I went to Buffalo, Montrose, French Lake, Lake Sylvia route, South Haven, Fairhaven, STC. 104 miles total.
Home in time to change, slam a recovery drink, and head out the door to pick the kids up at 2:10.
Once home we decided to make to jelly out of all our grapes.

The score! Not too sure what's up with Avery. She's been having a pretty "good" attitude lately.

The finished product.

This was our first attempt at making jelly. Holy shit there is a lot of sugar in jelly! Turns out there is a reduced sugar version but you have to buy the other pectin. Next time. Taste test this morning.

Wrapped up the jelly making in time to head over to the North Loop for the final trail work night before the upcoming race. HUGE crew of workers showed up, thanks! We got a ton of stuff done. The trail should be a pretty good order. A few touch up spots here and there. Mr. Matt Stone needs to get out and mow the ski trails and parking if you see him, please remind him.

I'm not too excited for this race this year. Not sure why. Maybe it's the Dirt Bag preparation that wants my attention but I'm stuck in this one. Next year I hope to remove myself as far as possible from this event, other than tree cutter and race sponsor...ha like that will happen. Who knows, someone may step up!

Sweet news! We, Revolution Cycle and Ski, are back on board with Salsa! I have three of them and am super excited to have them on the floor. Hopefully next week or so we will have a fleet, yes I said fleet, of Mukluks on the floor. Awesome.

Friday is weigh in day.

Down again, 184lbs. The 180 lbs goal is close. Still toying with 175, but I don't know.

And on comes the weekend.


1 comment:

Eric said...

wow... great work on the jelly. and the girls are getting big... what the hell? how can a couple of years make that much difference? oh, and a very embarrassing and belated happy birthday... some friend.

anyhow, sounds like things are pumping at the shop and in life. well done!