Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bring Out Your Fatbike.

Woke up yesterday to a light drizzle and a sick kid. Jen and I juggled kid duty and I got out for a short ride. I thought maybe 3 hours, 2 at a minimum, and settled on 1.5.
I took out the Pugs (first time this year!) and hit up the North Loop. It was a bit sloppy but not too bad and was pretty fun. But several factors had be not wanting to ride too long. My ear buds were doing that sporadic "in and out" thing, all the spiders at the North Loop had decided to run webs across the trail, and I was tired from the 4 hour ride the night before. After one loop at the Loop I headed over to Sand Prairie, also the first time this year. It was pretty fun, but after one lap the rain picked was time to head home.
I always have a lot of fun on the Pugs. I really should ride it more year round. But really, for me, it's a snow bike...can't wait.

Brian and I have plans to head to Elm Creek this early afternoon for a bit than bust balls back to Cloud to do trail work at Plum Creek. Full day of fun.

This next Tuesday the 18th a group is meeting at the Clearwater Coborn's parking lot at 6 pm for a Dirt Bag Night Ride. All are welcome, just know it will be a late night!


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