Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Another Event?!

Didn't do too much yesterday.
Hit the gym for a bit in the morning. Did the elliptical very easy for 1/2 hour to warm up. Proceeded to do some TP Therapy and stretching...that's it.
Later that night I did a core workout I found online for cyclists. My core is weak...damn.

Yesterday I was told of this race. I've heard of it before but never paid much attention to it...all on the east coast. I did a little more research and found it is apart of this series, which contains the upcoming Southern Cross race. This happens to be in Georgia, and in Georgia it happens to be by the town that I have a friend with a home. I happen to have a lot of frequent flier miles...hmmm?!
Jen already said ok! We'll see. I'll start some researching today. Sounds like, however, that in February Jen and I may take a long weekend trip to Georgia!

For today, back to reality, I plan on a 3 hour spin...nice and easy. The rest of the week I will focus on speed and hill work. Shorter, but more intense, workouts. Mixing it up.

The weather lady in the SCTimes said it's looking "iffy" for a white Christmas. I don't like that lady.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks really cool. If you go, test ride some Foundry bikes. Ron