Friday, November 04, 2011

Morning Y'all.

Whoa...two early morning rides this week!
I wasn't planning on riding too early this morning but Avery was a bit of a turd last night so I had to cancel my plans to MTB and go retrieve her from gymnastics. Once home I plopped her in her room. She was sleeping by 5:30 and still out! Poor kid must be tired. I even tried to wake her up for some food but nothing.
I thought about night riding but just didn't have the mojo for it. Jen was craving DQ so what better substitute for riding than a chocolate extreme blizzard?! Definitely not proper nutrition but sometimes, or a lot of the time, you just have to have a bit of fun!

So yeah, back to this morning. I'm up and hoping to hit the road by 6 or earlier and pound out 5 at noon. All City Nature Boy, new gearing 41/16, plus gravel for sure makes for some good times.

Saturday I'm shooting for a "long" trail run. Sunday I have off and still not sure if I'm making the trek down to the Henderson Holler hosted by Milltown Cycles. May just wake up early and ride all day...or so!


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