Tuesday, December 06, 2011

And the Temp. Drops.

Pretty damn cold out there this morning! Perfect time to take the Pugs on some gravel roads. Yee Haw!

Last night I also rode the Pugs for 3 hours...North Loop, Sand Prairie, farm field roads, St. Benedict Center, Talahi Woods, and one more at the North Loop. Had a pretty good time. Pulled out the Dogwood Pogies and the hands were toasty warm the entire ride. When I got home the Garmin said 5 degrees...tends to read a bit low.
Also used my Lake Boots for the first time this season...same results, toasty warm.

Speaking of Lake, for those waiting on our supply to come in we are looking at maybe the end of this week but most likely early next week...I hope. They are currently in customs waiting release. I was told 48 hours yesterday. Fingers are crossed.


1 comment:

the schad family said...

cool, I was just thinking about those boots.