Friday, December 02, 2011

Georgia On My Mind.

Well I went ahead and did it. Not the Southern Cross race discussed in the previous post but the Fools Gold 100 MTB race! Also held in GA...actually same town. This happens to be in September. For me this was more of a priority than the Southern Cross. I'm not saying the SC is out, but if need be, I'm more than fine not going.

I have always wanted to try one of the NUE (National Ultra Endurance Race Series) races. The distance to the races, the money required to get to and do the events, and the time required have always dissuaded me in the past. I don't have any more money and with a new child on the way I definitely don't have more time...just getting older so why the hell not?!
This is some time off so plenty of time to ready myself for this. I wasn't sure if it filled up or not so I was one of the first to register yesterday!

Speaking of registration...the Ragnarok is now accepting postcards. Not too sure if I will do this or not. May just toss a postcard in the mail and decide if I get in. So far 3 attempts have failed me. The time of the race is getting pretty damn close to the baby due date.
Also Trans Iowa V.8 is now accepting postcards from rookies and veterans (non finishers) to fill the remaining spots, unclaimed from past finishers. I definitely will not be doing this as the date is most likely when the baby will decide it wants out. I will attempt this race again, just not this time around.

Took the Pugs out for a 2 hour ride on the North Loop yesterday. I haven't been on the loop in daylight, without snow, for a long time. Had a blast! Forgot how soon it gets dark out otherwise I would have kept going!
Today I'm back in the basement for some hills! Excitement!


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