Thursday, December 22, 2011

ho hum...blppppttttt.

Damn...the winter blahs have hit.

I got out and rode the Pugs on gravel for a bit over 3 hours yesterday, but all I wanted to do was go back to bed. The first half hour sucked but was "o.k." after that. I think after having ridden on snow last weekend I am anxiously awaiting our snow. I would love to mix it up with some Nordic skiing too. The extended forecast looks none too promising but one never knows...I guess.
Today I'm heading out for a 3 hour Pugs ride again, but this time I'll hit up the local trails...all within a few miles of my house. That is pretty sweet.
Tomorrow I'm contemplating a trail run, Christmas Eve a long ride...maybe to the in laws in Coon Rapids, off Christmas, back at it on the 26th.

I'm trying to roll with it but I feel my training has kind of "sucked" lately. Or maybe it's been fine and I am pissy at my lack of self control with Christmas cookies. Ahhhhhh, (this is a screaming ahhh and not an I get Ahhhh).

My temporary plan in my head is to do what I can this week. Next week focus on some speed and hill workouts followed by a "big" week on the Mukluk. After that it's three weeks till the Arrowhead, with two of those being recovery weeks. I'm pretty excited for the race...really hoping for snow.


Oh yeah: our Lake Winter Boots have not hit yet. I have my fingers crossed for today. If interested hit me up. I'm not putting them on the floor right away to guarantee all get some that want to get come get some.



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