Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Holidaze Fast Forward.

Only a few days off from the blogging world and I'm struggling to come back. But I think of you my fellow bloggers and will push on!
Yeah, whatever.

So time to bore you with some Holidaze details.
The 24th my family (wife and kids) did our Christmas thing. It was pretty nice not having some place to be by a certain time. We were able to just roll with it.
Eventually we made our way to Coon Rapids for Christmas shenanigans happening the next day.

Christmas day most went to church...I went for an hour run. Found some fun trails I never knew existed before, otherwise I basically followed the 'ol Mississippi River into Anoka and back to Coon Rapids.
The 26th was ridiculously warm out. I couldn't avoid a ride, it was just too unreal. So I headed over to the Elk River Trails with the Mukluk. I haven't been to E.R. in over a year. I love the much fun.

A little art work on the trail.

Nabbed about 2 hours or so...not exactly sure. Was just riding.

Back home I've been to the gym some, on the trainer some, in a sauna some but not outside riding yet.

Tonight we have a shindig of sorts at a friends house a town or two over. I'm biking there after work. Hoping the wind cooperates, but either way it should be fun.

Nothing is really planned riding wise the rest of the week, just going to roll with it. We do have Christmas at my folks house on Friday, but I think that is it. Stuff has a way of "just popping" up so we'll see.

Have a good one.

Let it Snow.


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