Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Missed It Again.

I miss all the fun! The boys got together for a sauna and potato sausage sacrifice (nothing perverted) in hopes of making it snow. The rain drops are starting to get "thicker" and a few flakes here and there. I hope it works.

I was out shopping! Gotta love Christmess!.

In other news not previously mentioned here I acquired a Salsa Ti Mukluk! Say what? Yep, rolling the Phat Fat Tire bike. Pretty damn excited for this. All built (finished today) with pedals, et. al. it weighs in at 3o lbs 11 oz. Someday I'll get below 30. My Pugs I had at 34 lbs 8 oz. The rear Salsa hub is a tank but not a lot out there for 170 mm hubs. My maiden voyage may be Tuscobia this weekend. The time is ticking and I may not be able to get out on it before then. Oh well, nothing like a race to break a new steed in...or maybe me. Pics to follow with specs, etc.


1 comment:

the schad family said...

What is Amo up to back there!