Thursday, December 29, 2011

Rider Down.

Take Two.
Last post was lost in blogger world. Man do I hate that.


Yesterday I boogied out of work early to head over (via bike) to a holiday gathering of sorts. Snuck in 2.5 hours of All City Nature Boy Fun! I took a less direct route. Hit some pretty fun roads.
It's been awhile since I've ridden anything besides a fat bike. A lot faster but it's funny how you fall out of single speed shape so fast.

Today I rolled out on the Surly Cross Check (also single) with wider tires, should have used studs. The route I took put me on Hwy 10 for a very short distance. I was going with the wind at a pretty good clip. I looked back to see if it was clear to cross. A car was coming but I had time. Out of the saddle I put the pressure on and started to turn.
Bam! I was instantly down. I slid 20+ feet. Nothing too serious besides a bruised hip and scuffed elbow. The left brake lever is lighter too.

The rest of the ride was uneventful. Ended with 3 hours 15 minutes. Originally I was going for 5 but with the ice I opted to wait for daylight.
While I had an ok time I really want to switch it up with some snow riding.

Enough already...let's get it on.


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