Friday, December 09, 2011

Still Cold and Still No Snow.

Exciting times were had Wednesday morning in the Doom basement. 1.5 hours on the trainer with progressive hill climbs...always fun.
So far this year time on the trainer has been going by very fast (knock on wood)! Wish I could have ridden longer but it was time to get the kids to school.
Also did some core stuff at the gym. It's funny how you can do "crunches" all the time but when you do actual "core" exercises it kicks your butt...I'm sweating and breathing hard, lots of work to do on this front!

Yesterday was my short day at work. Picked the kids up from school at 2:10, ran some errands, did some laundry, and hung out. A pretty good day of not riding.

This morning I hope to be out rolling by 6. Shooting for a bigger day, 4-5 hours, but we'll see how things go.

The big news for today is we go to the Doc for the 20 week ultrasound...boy or girl? We shall find out.



Eric said...

well, boy or girl, what's really important is that you're bringing a little more doom into the world.

Anonymous said...

boy and girl mayhaps??

nate and becca