Monday, January 16, 2012


Happy MLK day.
Brinna told me she wishes she was alive when he was so she knew what it was like back then. Not for the bad stuff but just to know (her words). My 3rd grader is too smart sometimes.

Had a pretty fine weekend.

Saturday the girls and I hung out while Jen was at a knowledge bowl meet with her student. Our day consisted of: gym, fabric store to get stuff for overbuilt socks and maybe some custom booties (absolute bust, onto the Internet), mall (we all got new earrings and I accidentally tried on skinny jeans), lunch, home. Once home we cleaned a bit and chilled. I then rode the trainer for an hour. Jen got home and we were on our way to Blaine for our last holiday gathering.

Sunday I worked so opted for a trail run instead of the bike. Hit up a lot of the "loops": Riverside, Talahi Woods, St. Benedict Woods, Orchard, Baltos, Orchard, North Loop, and home...2 hours.
The rest of the day was low key and fine.

Heading to the basement in a bit for a trainer session. Looking at two hours. The mornings are tough. I can't watch a movie since the noise will leak upstairs to the sleeping members of this family. iPod here I come!

Not sure on the rest of the week. Two weeks from today is the Arrowhead. I guess I technically am in my "taper" stage now. I had planned on a 100 this Thursday but was reminded that I will do 100 at the Arrowhead, still in the month of January so Thursday most likely won't be 100!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get some wireless headphones. Work great for tge trainer, when you don't want to disturb others