Wednesday, January 18, 2012

More Yappitty Yap...

Read All The Way Ray's blog this morning.
Don't feel like blogging.

Ah screw's my blog. Click somewhere else if you don't want to read it.

Once the kids were at Kids Stop for the day I took the 15 minutes it takes to get ready to ride outside when it's cold!
Didn't feel like doing much so I grabbed the Pugs and headed over to Plum Creek. Half way through I ran into Brian riding it backwards, such a rebel. Ended up riding the rest of the allowed time with Brian. Did all the usual suspects. All the trails are riding really great right now. A few slippery spots here and there but no one went down.

I was dressed almost perfectly. My hands got pretty damn cold towards the end. Riding single track makes warming up my hands difficult. While on the open road I can loosen my grip on the bars, etc. and get some blood flowing again. Feeling pretty good about my set up for the Arrowhead.

I have some friends doing the Southern Cross race in GA on Feb. 25th. So jealous! Originally I thought this would work for me, but February is turning into a pretty busy month at work. Also, I plan on going to GA this September for the Fools Gold 100...1 trip is enough ($$$).


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