Monday, January 02, 2012

Not Yet.

Well geez...a guy gets a bit under the weather and his blog goes to hell.
I have the ubiquitous 2011 blog started in my head but don't have the time nor the energy to throw that down yet.
I guess I should do it soon.

Yesterday I was able to get back in the ring and do some exercising. Made it to the gym with the family. Did my thing for a bit and joined the family in the pool.
I also rode the trainer for an hour. Finished up "The Mechanic". Perfect trainer thinking, just killing.
Originally I was going to hit up the North Loop, but the wind turned me soft and I kept it all indoors for one more day.

The plan is to ride the Loop this afternoon/night but plans change. The kids want me to stay home. Life.

Off to the gym for a bit.


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