Monday, January 23, 2012


Well it was last Thursday that I rode the Mukluk in the cold but it's today that I get the pictures up! The ride went really well and fast. Rode 4 hours and enjoyed it all. I didn't get the "am I almost done" thoughts once. Now if I can channel that for 15 more hours next week all will be good!

With the lack of snow in MN snowmobiles haven't been able to get out. I did find some sections I was able to ride. Nice to get off the roads a bit.



Not much happened this weekend. I worked both days.

Saturday I got out in the morning for an hour trail run. I was surprised to find it was -10 at the start! It was probably one of my best runs.

After work I went to the gym for a bit of lifting, stretching, and a sauna.

Sunday morning I headed over to Riverside to help groom, etc for a kid's ski race later in the day. Per usual the grooming equipment didn't work. I did more shoveling than grooming. This took about an hour and a half longer than I thought. I had hoped to get home and ride the trainer for a bit before work. Nope. Oh well, I survived.

Next Monday the Arrowhead starts! I'm ready and excited. More on this later in the week.


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