Friday, January 06, 2012

Whoa...I Actually Have Some Photos!

The last thing I grabbed before I left on my ride yesterday was my camera. I have really sucked at incorporating pictures into this blog so I made sure I took a few shots yesterday on my ride. While downloading them this morning I found some of a hike the girls and I did back in December. Both sets of pictures have something in common: it was unseasonably warm.

The ride was good...real good. I needed that. Per usual I didn't have a route but settled into riding the original Dirt Bag course, for the most part.
The gravel was actually snow covered and awesome. Great traction, wasn't melting (yet), and just something I haven't done in awhile.
The last half of the ride the temperature was climbing near 50 and the gravel roads became a bit messy but still not as bad as the paved roads with water run off. The last 10 miles or so of the ride I rode without gloves and a hat! While it did feel great I still really want some snow and cold...but not for too long, a month or so!
Pulled into the driveway with 5 hours in on the Surly Cross Check, single speed. Love my bikes.

Brian and I have been toying with routes for next year's Dirt Bag Ride. This may get added!

See! There is snow!

More of the same.

Sand Prairie Wildlife Management Area, Dec. 18th.

Note: no gloves or hats!

Self portrait.

I know how to spell trouble.

Not much on tap for the weekend. Saturday I work. I plan on doing a trail run in the morning. Sunday will involve a ride of sorts but I haven't figured that one out yet.


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