Thursday, July 12, 2012

No Flipping Clue.

Not sure what the hell has happened to me this week.
I'm tired a lot of the time, I want to ride but don't want to ride, stressed about work, stressed about not getting back "on it" after last weeks cabin life, stressed about weight (yep I'm a freak like that), stressed about getting a new bathroom all figured out, stressed about money, stressed about home life...
Toss this all together and this week is a wash.
I was really freaking about not riding or just exercising but that has turned be in to a big ass so got to shake this.  Tomorrow is a new day, blah, blah, blah...

Taking a step back I realized I did still bike 15-20 hours last week.  That's enough...that's a lot.  So this week is good to chill.  Maybe it's the heat!

I have worked a lot this week, both early and late, so I'm hoping that is why I'm tired and not depression or exercise induced fatigue.

Monday ( I like to start at the start of weeks) is my new start.  It will still be chaotic.  Work will most likely be busy and we start bathroom destruction that day too.  Just gotta roll with it.

Sorry for the bitching blog posts this week.  I guess it's the way I decompress.



Ben said...

after having typed this, read this, and posted this I feel better. I guess this is one reason I blog!

Anonymous said...

The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time - Abraham Lincoln (vampire hunter?)