Saturday, August 25, 2012

I'm Ready.

Ready for a few things...

Ready for this heat, yeah I know it's only been a day, to be gone and cooler weather to be the norm.

Ready for school to start.  Having a new kid, a busy summer at the shop, two older kids to play and hang out with, etc. has made this one of the best summers.  But, as I've said many times before, I crave routine.  I miss my old routine.  I used to be able to get up between 5 and 5:30 no problem, but now that seems like a pipe dream.  The kids stay up later, thus so do I.  I still get up early but not early enough to get "it all" in.  I mean right now I should be out running before work but I sit here blogging!  Maybe I'm ready to get my priorities figured out too!

Ready for some fun Cross action on Tuesday Nights in Cloud town.  This is new to me and bit scary.  Shitty knees has me a bit leery but practice with the guys is a better place to find out how it will go than a race.  And seriously this is just for fun.

Ready for the Inspiration 100 in two weeks.  Tons of guys from Cloud are doing the race plus some others I know.  Super excited.

Ready to get ready for the Dirt Bag.  Brian and I had a big push early on but the excitement was replaced with family, work, riding, and life changes.  Ready to get back at it.

Ready to get serious about my fitness both on the bike, not on the bike, and what I eat.  This type of stuff I Love.  It's fun for me to figure new things out and buy a whole bunch of books that I'll read half of, but I like it!
September is the month I've deemed to start this.  School will start and my routine will start to come back and foods of summer (i.e. ice cream) will be put on the back to speak.  I want to get to 180 lbs.  Not an unrealistic goal at all.  I'd guess I'm about 190 now.  I'm actually ok with that but 180 is further from 200!
I'm not going to set up a "program" for my riding but will make it a bit more structured.  Will actually look ahead at my winter races and go backwards and plan some blocks of training but nothing serious.  I get too cooky when I do that, plus I lose the fun as well.

I'm ready to be ready...


1 comment:

tman said...

"Ready for some fun Cross action on Tuesday Nights in Cloud town. This is new to me and bit scary. Shitty knees has me a bit leery but practice with the guys is a better place to find out how it will go than a race. And seriously this is just for fun."

You described cross practice as "...seriously this is just for fun."

Blaha ha ha ha! Blaha ha ha ha! (These laughs should be done with somewhat of a Dr. Evil tone)