Thursday, August 02, 2012

Night Gravel.

Riding gravel at night, on Wednesdays, has become a reoccurring thing this summer.  It wasn't really ever planned, but just kind of happened.  It's been a blast!
Last night was no different.
We had a couple of first timers for a totals of 6 of us.  We left from the shop so the routes tend to be similar but when at night it really doesn't matter.
Biked a lot of the Dirt Bag course and some different stuff as well.
Evel was along and he likes to drill it.  Not at sprinters speed but amp it up and hold it forever.  Strong rider.  Great to have him along. 
Lots of: "I love this" was being said.  I love that!
On the way home we took a paved path the last little bit.  The path curved a bit to the left but also had a shortcut going straight.  I curved and Kyle went straight.  Down I went!  Went down hard but nothing hurts, just some raspberries here and there.  Good stuff.
Ended with 3 hours 20 minutes or so (can't remember) and almost 60 miles.
Great night.  Even with the overcast skis and sprinkles here and there the full moon did make an appearance.


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