Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Change of Plans.

The TNR (Tuesday Night Ride) was last night and I was all prepared to go.  Bike and gear were lugged to work for the sufferfest that has become TNR.  Turns out the BMX team we sponsor had a practice, get together, and team photo shoot as well.  They asked if I'd come so scratch the ride and go smile!
I brought the whole family out to the event.  What a great group of people.  It was great to see them all in one spot and not at the shop.  Proud to be apart of this team.

Today and tomorrow may be my only ride days this week and I'm ok with that.  I rode a lot last week, which apparently wiped me out.  The past two nights (not last night) I got a bit over 9 hours of sleep!  Long rides in the heat will do that.

Off on the Fargo to find some gravel.


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