Monday, October 14, 2013

Riding...when I can.

Not sure what happened last week but my riding took a hit.  Time, man...just not enough time!  With the Dirt Bag this coming Saturday and two days of predicted rain I'm guessing I'm not getting too much this week either.
However, it's not raining yet, so once I drop the kids of at school I'm going to hit up the North Loop for an hour.
Maybe a run tomorrow and morning rides Wednesay and Thursday and possibly and afternoon ride on Friday with CX on Sunday.  Well damn...that's a lot, nevermind!
Nonetheless, I've been telling myself whatever happens is fine.  Next Monday I start thinking and planning for the winter events!

This early afternoon Brian and I are putting the final touches on the Dirt Bag.  I like to stress about events but this one is pretty easy and fun.  I'm excited to see everyone on Saturday.  Looks to be a nice, chilly day!


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