Wednesday, January 17, 2018

We get snow...we lose snow.

Man winters can be frustrating.  We finally got a decent amount of snow and another warm up is predicted later in the week.  Thus we must get while the getting is good.

After getting dinner made and on the stove I headed out for a spin.  The North Loop and Plum Creek had both been groomed for riding but I was more excited to go set some first tracks down at Sand Prairie. The walkers stick to the inner loops and rarely venture to the outskirts of the property.  Despite the snow coming Sunday I was still setting first tracks in a few spots.  Not sure why but I love that!  I was shooting for and hour or so but almost got in two.  Had I not looked at the time I could have easily gone over that.  After completing a section I'd go "just one more time" to set a better track...dork!

Starting today the temperatures start to climb, hitting 40 on Friday.  I was tentatively thinking of hitting up Cuyuna on Friday but that seems to be out.  Above freezing temps and the trails get closed.  I was half thinking of renting a cabin at True North Basecamp.  I really want to take advantage of that sometime.  I'll keep an eye on the weather.  Its' been wrong before!

The rest of the week will continue with rest or easy rides.  Arrowhead countdown is on!

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