Monday, May 07, 2018

Fast, Fun Weekends.

The weekend was busy and flew by, as many do.  Friday was Avery's friend birthday party.  They met up at AirMax trampoline park and came back to our house for a sleepover.  I managed an hour mountain bike ride at the North Loop before heading over to AirMax.  

Saturday morning I had to get Brinna to the Mega Meet by 9 and make a bunch of pancakes for the girls.  Once pancakes were made I ventured out for another mountain bike ride.  This time for 2 hours.  Back home it was a race to get the the meet to see Brinna run her events.  Back home for a late lunch, drop the younger kids off at my folks, and back to the meet for the last event.  Then it was time for Cinco de Mayo.

Sunday I got out for a longer ride.  5 hours 43 minutes for 101 miles.  It was N/NE wind so I headed that way.  Benton County must have recently laid down some fresh gravel.  Man it was soft and slow. Once in Milaca County the gravel firmed up some.  I, however, fell into the trap of Milaca County.  Missing Dead End signs.  I hit a couple, forcing me to back track.  While the wind wasn't high it still helped to turn with it, making my way home.  
Once home Jen was in yard work mode so we raked, etc for a bit over three hours.  Between riding and  raking my allergies are on fire right now.  Just my eyes and nose.

This week is a bit nuts.  Work remains busy and end of the school year events start happening.  Gymnastics practice, 4 track meets, track practices, retirement parties, orchestra concert, and then rain.  Riding will be tricky and I'm guessing minimal.

Happy Monday.

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