Wednesday, May 16, 2018


Zero rides thus far.  Gymnastics and a choir concert took precedence. The plan is to get out this afternoon and ride into the evening. The lights are charged and ready roll.  Not sure how much riding in the dark I will do as it stays light out so long now.  I plan on doing parts of the Dirt Bag course and go with the flow.  The lawn shows signs of needing mowing but I'm ignoring that!

Work as been in full gear for about a month now.  This makes the days and weeks fly by.  Plus the last month of school is always a hectic time of activities.  We seem to be living in a whirlwind at the moment.  Hopefully in June the dust will settle a bit.  But until then it's go time!

Last night a new race was brought to my attention: The Sledgehamr.  170 miles of seemingly gnarly gravel around Marquette, MI.  I love that area.  So tempting!

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