Friday, January 24, 2020

Arrowhead Weekend.

Wednesday I took off from riding.  It tends to be one of our busier nights at home.  After work I picked up Harper, got her fed, then off to gymnastics.  Back home after gymnastics it was time to get Harper ready for bed then off to pick up Avery.  Then time for me to get ready for bed!

Usually I have Thursday off but that was swapped for today.  So after work and dinner was made I headed out for a quick ride.  The local club, MMCC, posted the trails were closed due to above freezing temps.  Thus I headed for Friedrich Park.  That place sees lots of foot traffic so the trails are more times than not set up better than our mtb trails.  Albeit a bit bumpy.  I did all the loops at Friedrich and took the connector over to the North Loop to check it out.  I did the perimeter loop of Maxx's Option (not going in) and found the trail was holding up great.  Back home with a bit over an hour in.
Friedrich Park.

Yesterday was the first ride this year with the nice wheels.  Man what a difference!  Carbon rims, onyx hubs, and non studded tires...zoom!

The plan is to get an easy 2 or so hours in today, quick stop off at work, and laundry.  Jen, my mother in-law, and I head up to International Falls tomorrow early afternoon.  The hope is to get there by 6 for gear check.

I'm pretty chill going into this years Arrowhead.  No expectations.  I honestly don't know where I am at physically for this race.  I've been able to get some solid weeks in prior the concussion so I know I'll finish.  Just not sure where.  I won't know how I feel till the start.  Nonetheless I'm pretty excited!

For those interested you can follow along at TrackLeaders.  Not everyone will have a Spot tracker, as it sadly isn't required.  But most do.

Happy Weekend.

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