After SP I headed up Prison Hill to the North Loop. Even with barriers put up before the thaw a couple walkers ventured onto the trail. Ugh. Again, not terrible, just annoying as the sections there were no foot prints it was amazing. Thinking I might meet up with Jim here I did a few laps on Doom's Return and .3. But it never happened so I headed out for a loop and the connector to Fred park.
This is a bad depiction fo the trail as it's the start that sees the most sun. The trail is so much better but you can see the lone foot prints.
Ride beta.
Last night I headed to the south trails: River Bluffs, Me so Thorny, Time Waster, Field of Dreams, and Plum Creek. Sounds like a lot of trails but they are mostly connectors or little loops. It was posted earlier that the trails were also riddled with foot prints. I was expecting the worst but was happy with how they were riding. Scott has been putting tons of work out there and it is showing. Time Waster and Field of Dreams were previously unrideable but now good to go. I did a couple laps on the reservoir as well. Plum is riding some of the best it has, as it sees little use. Then it was back home through SCSU, the 6 million dollar trail, a stop to say hi to Kyia and Aunders, and home.
The ride.
Both night I was chomping to keep going but had family obligations, chauffeuring. Plus it's just nice being home with the family. I'm stoked I'm hungry for more riding and not dreading the current season. Although Sunday's ride on the Dirt Bag route does have me longing for the gravel bike!
Most likely not riding today but the rower and such. Busy night. If anything a quick hour.
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