Friday, February 14, 2020


Thursday school was canceled due to cold temps and low windchills.  Thursday is also my day off and usually a big ride day.  Because of the cold I contemplated heading north to ride in the woods of Cuyuna.  But with the family all home I was procrastinating my start.  I finally made my decision to stay local and ride from home.

Despite being cold and a bit windy I started out heading down county road 8.  I mostly had a tailwind and coming back on Franklin would provide some blockage of the wind.  I took a couple detours on 8 to add some more time.  Traveling north on Franklin I was in more wind than I thought I'd be.  I got a bit warm traveling with the wind so I was a bit wet, not bad.  But enough that my face mask froze solid heading north.

Once I made it to the River Bluffs I contemplated hitting snowmobile trails (they were riding amazingly well as I hit some up past Franklin) or hit the trails of the River Bluff and Plum Creek.  Wanting a bit more protection I opted for the single track.  At this point it had warmed up some and being out of the wind I was comfortable.

Photo is at the Field of Dreams at the River Bluff system.  The sun helped.

After completion of the River  Bluffs and Plum I headed over to the North Loop and Fred Park.  I switched up my route some on the North Loop but basically the same route I've done over and over.  Getting the itch for gravel!

Ride details.

Finish photo. 

When I got home the family was gone running errands and taking Brinna to her drivers test.  She passed!  To celebrate we went out to eat.  The rest of the night was pretty low key.

I did make another batch of Benny Balls.  

This weekend has a bunch of gymnastics, a birthday party, and I'm sure some unexpected surprises. I will get some rides in, just not sure when and for how long.  The temp swings warmer the rest of the weekend.  I could still take some more snow, but come March it can melt.

Happy Weekend.

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