Monday, February 03, 2020

The Weekend.

Kind of a lazy weekend.  Stuff happened and I rode but we all just felt a bit lazy.

Friday afternoon I had a PT appointment. I was cleared and discharged!  Good to go.  I thought I may go biking but it was warm, sloppy, and I did the rower that morning so nah.  Plus Harper aced her spelling test, I passed PT, and the DQ opened for the season.  Yep...DQ!

Saturday I got up somewhat early and snuck an hour ride in at the Loop and Friedrich.  Both were amazing.  Then it was down to the cities for a funeral.  Back home we were all super tired.  I forced myself up on the roof to remove some snow.  That was about it.

Sunday I met Jim at Onyx and we headed out for a mini Dirt Bag ride on fat bikes.  The temperature was already 42 and sunny!  Starting on the outskirt of town greatly reduced the slop we'd have to ride through.  I was stoked at how well the gravel roads held up.  It wasn't till the last road, Deerwood, that the gravel started to become sloppy.  It was also on the return portion that we bucked the nasty head wind.  Fat bikes with frame bags like to catch wind, fyi.  We ended with a bit over 3.5 hours.

Then it was grocery shopping for the week and the Super Bowl.  Nice weekend at home.

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