Monday, February 24, 2020

Weekend Review.

Friday everyone was a bit drained from the week so it was pretty chill.  It was also warm!  Not having a ton of time I grabbed the studded, single speed Surly Cross Check.  First time, in a long time, on a non fat bike.  I have to say it felt good.  Although my wrists and hands need some more time to get used to the different hand positions of drop bars.

Saturday Jen and the two older girls were heading to the state gymnastics meet.  I had enough time to get out in the morning for a 2.5 hour fat bike ride.  I spent my time at the River Bluffs.  With the thaw and then the morning chill everything was riding great.  The sun and warmth had me wanting more but I had to get home.

Sunday Harper went with a friend to the MOA freeing me up to ride.  I wanted to take out the Cross Check but the wind was already whipping with gusts up to 35 mph.  Jim convinced me to ride fat bikes.  We met on the Beaver and headed over to the North Loop and Fred Park.  Despite the wind we opted to take the long way to Plum Creek via County Road 8 extended (this extended version was new to me and stoked to ride it this summer).  We later paid the price for the tailwind on the way down but Franklin provided descent cover.  We hit up the River Bluffs and happy to find them holding up well despite the warmth.

After, we headed our own ways.  We ended with 5 hours.  Putting me at 23 for the week.  We leave for Florida on Friday, 10 days off the bike.  Thus the big weeks leading up to our departure.  Lots going on this week with school events: choir concerts, gymnastics, conferences, etc.  Rides will happen but they will most likely be in the shorter range.
Time to row.

Sorry no pics.  Happy Monday.

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