Friday, March 20, 2020

Get Outside.

I was off yesterday and usually that would mean a long ride.  I'm on the tail end of a cold and the weather was rather shitty...windy, wet, and cold.  With schools closed the family was home so staying put wasn't such a bad idea.  We didn't do much for "fun" but cleaned a bunch.  As the day moved along I started to hit my pouting stage.  Basically feeling sorry for myself that I didn't ride and that this week has sucked for riding.  Finally around 4 I said screw and got dressed for a ride.

I took the Evergreen and pointed it North, into the wind.  When I was going straight into the wind with zero block it was pretty wicked.  But I didn't care, I was riding!  I didn't hit much gravel but the sections I did hit were once again surprisingly good, even with a day of rain.  Nearing the point of turn around I could tell the wind was picking up and the temperature was dropping.  My hands were beginning to complain.  At the rides end I could barely punch the code into the garage opener.

Not bad!

That damn headwind was now a killer tailwind.  I almost ran out of gears!  I played with my hands most of the ride home to keep them functional.  Ended with over two hours of riding.  I was so happy I went.  A great mental release for me.  Hoping for nicer days to come.

My goal is to not let the happen to me.  At first it's been a bit like a vacation and "anything" goes attitude was in place for foods.  I'm starting to real that in!

Happy Weekend.  Get outside, it helps!

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