Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Mid Week Humdrum.

Monday I was off from work and wanted to be around most of the day so I was up and off on a shorter spin before most were up.  What a day!  It was sunny, good temps, and low winds.  A day I could have ridden all day.  But a bit over 2 hours was enough.  The kids, especially Harper (the 7 year old) are getting stir crazy.  With our first "nice" day in awhile they did a bunch of stuff outside.  I set up Harper's Ninja Warrior course, she and I went on a ride around the neighborhood, and lots of sidewalk chalk.
Fancy Chalk.

Tuesday was back to work.  The morning was covered in a pea soup fog with rain later but eventually it stopped.  Leaving us with cloudy skis and warm temps, 47 degrees.  Work has been better than anticipated but down from a normal spring.  We are plugging along nonetheless.

I headed out for another 2+ hour ride in the afternoon.  Jim showed me an add on route to the infamous County Road 8 Loop this winter.  I call it The Silo Route as we pass a Silo that has been converted to a place you can rent and spend the night.
Kind of curious about the inside.  Wonder if the silage smell is gone?  I love the smell of silage.

It's almost dark outside at the moment.  Another wet day is on tap.  I'll most likely pass on riding today.  Hoping for a longer ride on Thursday.

Happy Hump Day.

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