Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Vacation Hangover.

More than I can ever remember happening in the past I have a vacation hangover.  Struggling to get up, tired, and lacking motivation to ride.  Plus I've had a headache, gone now, for a day and a half.  Monday at work I was contemplating taking another week off from riding, making it a two week break.  Luckily Jim got me out on my bike (single speed Surly Cross Check) later that evening, around 6.  Nothing grandiose but just good 'ol county road 8.  It was perfect!  Great ride to ease back into it.
Off the Beaver Island Trail near the tail end of my ride.

The ride was 1 hour 46 minutes, 27.6 miles, and 15.6 avg.  We hit Franklin up on the way back and was stoked to see it was in great riding shape!  Most of the gravel around here should be good to go soon!

Yesterday I was feeling much the same as I was on Monday.  Just dragging.  Then it started to snow!  That was all I needed to cancel any ride plans I had.  After picking Harper up, dropping her off at her function, picking Brinna up from track, and getting Avery to gymnastics I noticed the flags around town were limp.  Limp equals no wind!  What?!  No wind in March!  Plans changed and I decided to ride.  A quick text to Jim and I was on my way to meet him at Onyx.  The plan was to do the same route as Monday just in reverse.  But with the weather, albeit overcast, being as good as it was we stretched the ride out, hit some more gravel, and just had a good time.  Both nights I was energetic and stoked after the rides.  Just need to get my groove (routine) back.

The ride was 2 hours 21 minutes, 39 miles, at a 16.6 avg...single speed.  The Evergreen will be out this week sometime.

Not sure on ride plans for tonight, if any, more kid running around...but Thursday I plan on a longer ride.  However the wind is predicted to be 25-30 mph with stronger gusts.  There's our March wind!

Happy Mid Week!

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