Wednesday, May 06, 2020


The ride Monday morning was great! I hit up parts of the Dirt Bag course on the Evergreen.  While it was a bit chilly the wind was low and the legs were feeling good.  I was able to sneak in 3 hours before work.  While I'd rather sleep in, getting a ride in first thing really sets the day off on a good note.  It's only Wednesday but this ride seems so long ago.  The last two days at work have been non stop from when we open to close.  The days are a blur!

The Ride.

Yesterday I got to work early to get caught up on things I couldn't do Monday.  We also had a good number of staff working so I was able to leave before closing.  I was out pushing the pedals of the Cutthroat by 4.  The wind was a bit all over the place, but in the single digits.  I took a gamble and headed for the Dirt Bag course again.  The wind was E/NE switching to NW but the mph appeared would drop as the night progressed.
The rain missed us so the ride was dry with overcast skies.  I was feeling pretty good on the bike, but it did take a bit longer for the mind to come around and want to go on and not go home.  Lately my left knee has been acting up.  Honestly not too sure why or what is going on.  It will sometimes hurt to go up and down stairs after longer rides but go away by the next day.  I felt twinges of that coming on most of the ride but it never fully materialized.  At the moment it's a bit sore on stairs.  Old man problems!
I did the (my version) longer Dirt Bag, skipping a couple of off shoots putting me just over 100 miles.  Oh yeah, the wind.  It did switch to the NW but seemingly picked up speed.  Nearing the city limits I noticed every flag I came across was straight out.  Ha!
The Ride.

I love riding at night but with the sun setting later and later the need to turn on my lights is getting less and less.  The bugs are also making their return.  Lots of gnats last night.

Heading out at 6 this morning. Shooting for an easy two hours then off to work.  Like last Wednesday I plan on staying later and building bikes to restock for the weekend.  Then poof, it'll be the weekend.

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