Friday, May 22, 2020

Taking Tuesday off kind of messed me up.  I thought Wednesday was Friday most of the day.  Plus I had tons of work to do at the shop.  Wednesday was a very fast day.

Yesterday I took off in the morning on the Cutthroat, with newly installed wheels!  Whisky rims with Onyx hubs, in turquoise!  I used to long for hubs that made noise while coasting.  Now it drives me nuts.  Thanks Jim!

The wind was S/SE.  I started on the Dirt Bag course but quickly deviated from that.  I would hit sections of it from time to time but the meat of the ride was off route and further South.  My original plan was to travel South and East and hit the Luce Line Trail for a bit, heading West.  But I came upon the Luce Line earlier than anticipated so decided to go to the next trail, Dakota Rail Trail.  That too came sooner than planned so I pushed south of it some as well.

Once my phone showed 12:30 I started making my way home.  Again the tailwind was a sweet reward.  Unlike Tuesday's ride, this ride had more gravel than not.  Many "new to me" roads were found.  Mostly since I don't get this far south very often.
The last section of the ride was on the tail end of the Dirt Bag course.

The Ride.
The Route.

I felt very good on the ride.  Stoked as I put in a long ride on Tuesday as well.  My left knee is a bit sore but nothing too bad.  Annoying nonetheless.
Later that night my folks came over with rhubarb crisp and DQ soft serve!  We sat in the backyard, still social distancing.  I think I could have eaten the entire pan!

Heading out shortly for a MTB spin.  It'll be combination of urban and dirt trails.  I work Saturday so maybe an early morning ride tomorrow as well.  The chances of rain keeps changing.  But Saturday-Monday all have a good chance of rain.  More rain dodging I guess!

Happy long Weekend!

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