Wednesday, July 22, 2020

40 Mile Rides.

Monday and Tuesday were similar rides. Monday was early Morning and Tuesday was after work in the afternoon.  Both around the 40ish mile mark.  Tuesday morning we had a storm roll though, thus the afternoon ride.  I met up with Jim at Onyx.  It was a NW wind but we said screw it and did out own thing.  We started with the wind, which was amazing.
Eventually the magic had to end and we had to face the wind.  Fortunately the route we chose alternated from North and East, alleviating all head wind for any long period of time.  Plus the corn is tall enough it's acting as a wind block.

We made our way over to Briggs Lake area and did the loop around the lake.  Then it was a bunch of
West for us.  Again, lucky for us, the wind now was mostly North so it wasn't too bad.  Heading into the airport we did have a direct North wind but for the most part the ride was never directly into the wind.  Yeah!

Back into the morning rides today.  North wind so a similar route to Monday I'm guessing.  I'll toss in Little Rock Lake this time to switch it up with some gravel at the start as well.

We are closed to the public today at the shop.  We will still be there getting caught up on repairs and building the bikes that are starting to come in.  Actually pretty excited for the day.  Should be fun!

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