Monday, July 13, 2020

Cruising through the Weekend.

Last week was a bit of a "recovery" week.  I kept both my hours and mileage in check.  Sure I still got some decent rides in but nothing to deplete the body.

Saturday I headed out on the Cutthroat for few hour ride, 30-40 was the goal...hit a tad over 50, ha!  But the weather was perfect, in comparison to what we have been having.  No crazy dew points for humidity levels.  Low winds too.  The rest of the day was rather lazy.  We didn't do much of anything.  I can't even remember what we had for dinner!  I do know I went to three different stores during the day for food and things.

Sunday I originally planned to ride with Jim on a longer ride.  Plans changed and I headed out on my own, this time on the Moots.  The wind was mostly straight out of the North, so North I headed.  Wind, shitty Benton County gravel, and not wanting to push myself left for some slow speeds.  I struggled the first 2 hours to find my groove.  It came and I didn't want to turn for home, but I did and cruised with the tailwind.
The ride.

This week has some weather predicted.  Ah summer.  I'll sneak rides in when the weather allows.  Today is looking good at the start.  Storms tonight into tomorrow. 

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